Rick Hepler to Speak at April 13 Meeting
At our April 13 meeting, Rick Hepler will speak about the culture requirements of slipper orchids.

President’s Message—April 2023
HOS President Sarah Bentley recaps the Houston Orchid Society 2023 Annual Show & Sale and expresses gratitude for all who helped make it a success.

President’s Message—March 2023
HOS President Sarah Bentley encourages members to get involved in the Annual Show & Sale setup on March 2. The show takes place March 4-5.

2023 Spring Show Just Days Away!
The Houston Orchid Society 2023 Spring Show will be held at Memorial City Mall on March 4–5.

Preparing Your Orchids for a Show
Great tips for preparing to enter your orchid in an exhibit or show.

Orchids outside? In hot, humid Houston?
HOS member Stephen Moffitt discusses what it takes to grow Catasetinae in Houston's hot, humid climate. It is possible!

Stephen Gallagher to Speak at February 2 Meeting
At our January 5 meeting, Fr. Ted Baenziger will speak to the Houston Orchid Society about the Houston Judging Center.

President’s Message—February 2023
HOS President Sarah Bentley gives a rundown of events to take place at the February 2, 2023, meeting.

2023 Membership Renewal
Join Houston Orchid Society or renew your membership online before February 4, 2023, if you wish to be included in the 2023 Member Directory.

Fr. Ted to Speak at January 5 Meeting
At our January 5 meeting, Fr. Ted Baenziger will speak to the Houston Orchid Society about the Houston Judging Center.

President’s Message—January 2023
HOS President Sarah Bentley gives a rundown of events to take place at the January 5, 2023, meeting.

President’s Message—December 2022
HOS President Sarah Bentley gives a rundown of events to take place at the December 1 meeting.

2023 Spring Show—Put It On Your Calendar!
The Houston Orchid Society 2023 Spring Show will be held at Memorial City Mall on March 4–5.

Last Meeting of 2022
At our December meeting we will enjoy a Holiday Party and Orchid Auction in lieu of the usual speaker series.

HOS Officer Candidates for 2023 Approved at November 3 Meeting
Officers for 2023, as presented by the HOS Nominating Committee, were voted in by acclamation at the November 3 meeting.

Donna Craig—HOS Life Member and Friend to Many—Passes Away
Donna Craig, the first female AOS president and a past president of HOS, passed away on November 6, 2022.

Sergio Garcia to Speak at November 3 Meeting
At our November 3 meeting, Sergio Garcia will take us on a journey through Cattleya collecting, cultivating, and breeding.

President’s Message—November 2022
HOS President Sarah Bentley gives a rundown of events to take place at the November 3 meeting.

Slate of HOS Officer Candidates for 2023
The Houston Orchid Society Nominating Committee announced the slate of officers for 2023. Voting will take place at the November 3 meeting.

President’s Message—October 2022
HOS President Sarah Bentley reports on the Culture Club event held on September 18 at Spring Orchids, owned by Denny and Renée Haase.