Houston Orchid Society represents a gathering of people who share a fascination with orchids. As orchid lovers, we are dedicated to the conservation and preservation of and education around orchids and their habitats—whether in situ, as part of the landscape, or in a glass house. Coming together with a common interest and learning more about orchids is a wonderful way to spend your time. A member once commented, “I came for the orchids and stayed for the friendships.”

The society meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm at First Christian Church, 1601 Sunset Boulevard, near Rice University. There are lectures about all aspects of orchid growing, breeding, and preservation in their native habitats. Best of all, members display their blooming plants, which can be an intoxicating and inspirational experience. You won’t be disappointed. We encourage you to join the camaraderie of these meetings, and if you find a home here after attending three meetings we would be pleased to have you join us. The annual membership costs less than a bottle of good wine.

Along with our monthly meetings, we have an annual show in the spring, a workshop in the summer, a holiday party in December and often several orchid auctions per year. All the events are great ways to convene with other orchid lovers, acquire new plants, and learn how to grow these amazing plants. Bring the kids and grandkids so that you can share and learn together. Welcome!

Organized November 15, 1945, Houston Orchid Society had the distinction of being the second society in the United States to affiliate with the American Orchid Society (AOS) on December 23, 1946. While hybrids of orchids from 1945 have evolved to today’s sophisticated displays of beauty, the society’s core values have not changed, and we draw on additional resources from AOS, of which we, as a society, are also members.

View the bylaws of the Houston Orchid Society.

View the Houston Orchid Society Officers’ Handbook.


President: Don Ghiz
VP Speakers: Brent Arnspiger
VP Shows: Ken Whitmire
VP Membership: Steve Fox
Treasurer: Winnie Yap
Recording Secretary: Donna Diggons
Past President: Stephen Gallagher


Ted Baenziger
Amy Colville
Derek Lowenstein
Malcolm McCorquodale
Holly Miller
Daria Souvorova
Dennis Tomjack

Affiliation Representatives

AOS: Stephen Gallagher
Orchid Digest: Derek Lowenstein
SWROGA: Ted Baenziger and Dennis Tomjack


Conservation: Nina Rach
Display Table: Ken Whitmire
Happenings Editor/Webmaster: Donna Diggons
Hospitality: Sarah Bentley
Newcomers Group: Kar Chong
Parliamentarian: Don Ghiz
Photography: Malcolm McCorquodale
Plant Raffle: Brian Fitzgerald
Refreshments: John Christy & Donna Christy
Silent Auctions: Cherie Lee & Frank Lee
Spring Show: Sarah Bentley & Holly Miller
Summer Workshop: Stephen Gallagher
Technology: Liz Christensen

Doritaenopsis Nobody’s Pink Lady

Photo: Malcolm McCorquodale

All content © 2020– The Houston Orchid Society, Inc., except as otherwise noted. All rights reserved.