2025 Spring Show Planning Under Way
Pareparations for our 2025 Spring Show, March 6–9, are under way. The show takes place on Saturday and Sunday, March 8–9, and setup begins Thursday, March 6, at 5pm and continues through Friday. Heavy setup must be completed by 10am on Friday.
We need help with many of the activities. The event is a great way for new members to learn about the show, meet other members, and get acquainted with the judging process. Everyone is encouraged to volunteer.
Exhibits and Setup
Individual table-top exhibits are welcome! If you are interested in setting up a table-top exhibit, please contact Holly Miller before February 16. It is fun, easy, and very rewarding. If you don’t want to put in a complete exhibit, you can display your plants in the HOS exhibit.
Help During Setup
We need a leader and team members to manage the plants for the HOS exhibit. Duties include looking up plant names on the computers, helping with plant tags, and writing labels for plants that are placed in the HOS exhibit. We need four to five volunteers for Thursday night and Friday morning.
Help During Judging on Friday Evening
We need at least a dozen folks to assist the judging teams in handing out ribbons and trophies in all the judging categories. This role is called “clerking.” Clerking is a very fun job, as you are right in the middle of all the action! Please let VP of Shows Ken Whitmire know if you can serve as a clerk.
Help During the Show on Saturday and Sunday
Finally, we need volunteers to staff the HOS/AOS table during show hours. Patrons often have questions about general orchid care or about the local society, and volunteers here can help answer those questions. We will not have a formal signup for this but would appreciate anyone who is able to spend an hour or two at the table. We always try to have at least two people at the table. Sarah Bentley is coordinating the staffing for this table, so please let her know if you are interested in helping with this activity.
Our members have generously filled all the roles described above for many decades. You have never let us down. Thank you all for your support!
—Holly Miller (email) and Sarah Bentley (email) (co-chairs), and Ken Whitmire (VP of Shows) (email)
2025 Spring Show Schedule of Events
Thursday, March 6 | |
5–10pm |
Friday, March 7 | |
8am–4pm | Vendor and exhibit setup |
10am | Heavy setup to be completed |
10am–4pm | Plant registration |
4pm | Deadline for plant registration |
5pm | Judges’ dinner at Ciro’s |
6pm | Clerks arrive |
6:30pm–11:30pm | Ribbon and AOS judging |
Saturday, March 8 | |
10am–5pm | Exhibits and plant sales |
Sunday, March 9 | |
11am–4pm | Exhibits and plant sales |
4pm | Dismantle and cleanup |
Helpful Links
- Downloadable Schedule of Events
- Preparing Your Orchids for a Show
- Show Schedule for Registration (to be announced)
- Paphiopedilum poster
- Dendrobium poster
- Clerking guidelines
2025 Vendors
To be announced